Monday, February 21, 2011

Celebrating Father's Day - How to Make Dad Feel Special

Father's Day is a somewhat neglected holiday if you compare it to Mother's Day and all the hype that surrounds it. This is in part because of the fact that most kids won't be buying flowers, jewelry and cards for their dads and so flower companies and jewelry stores don't promote the holiday as much. There are no rituals like breakfast in bed and sleeping in for dads like there are for Mother's Day, in fact more people celebrate Mother's Day then they do Father's Day.
Here are some replacement options for celebrating Father's Day

Breakfast in bed- Grilled Steak 
While you give your mom breakfast in bed on Mother's Day, the way to go on Father's Day is with steak; the point being to make a special dinner for your dad with all his favorites. with breakfast in bed for mom, the point is that mom shouldn't have to make breakfast at least on that day, the concept with making your dad his favorite dinner is that he should get to eat whatever he wants instead of the vegetables that he ends up eating to 'set a good example for the kids'. It should be the day when he doesn't have to watch his diet or his cholesterol. The whole family should sit down together for this meal.

Freedom from housework- freedom from housework 
While its common knowledge that moms do a lot of work around the house, and they're given freedom from it on Mother's Day, what few people acknowledge is the fact that dads do house chores too. They may seem small to us but they aren't, they're actually the yucky things that moms don't like to do or can't do like cleaning the gutters. Taking over these kinds of chores will really touch your dad because it'll mean that his role in the house is acknowledged as much as his role outside the home.

A little indulgence 
Your dad has never said no to ice-cream in his life so don't think he'll say no to a sentimental gift like chocolate and fruit. Give him indulgent gifts like unique fathers day gift baskets or a fruit bouquets without thinking that dad's too tough for it or that it's not a gift fit for men. Not only will it be a unique Father's Day gift but your dad will like getting a gift that appeals to his taste buds. Few people will gift men food, it's usually just a six pack of beer but men eat other stuff and they like to indulge just as much as women.
Many companies sell unique fruit bouquets and fathers day fruit baskets, and they roll out new lines of their products for special occasions like Mother's Day and Father's Day. Try something different this year and buy a fruit bouquet for your dad. Fruit bouquets come with chocolate sauce.

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